The Team

Bruce Cryer
aka “me”

Fabian Aguirre
Filmmaker and editor for the campaign video and documentary for Renaissance Human. Co-founder with Maya Pisciotto of

Daniel Campos
Product merchandise expert and logistics for the Indiegogo campaign

Tyler Bel
Impact entrepreneur; jill of all trades; social media expert and innovator; valued crowdfunding buddy for the project

Isaac Koren
Collaborator and inspirator for Renaissance Human EP; co-founder of The Kin, Braves and Farm.artists with brother Thorald

Gary Malkin
7-time Emmy Award-winning composer and producer; music consultant and collaborator on EP. Co-founder of What Makes Your Heart Sing with Bruce. And…. Bruce’s sophomore year roommate at Oberlin Conservatory of Music several hundred years ago.

Ken Sabot
Operations and financial oversight and wizardry for the Renaissance Human project. Bruce and Ken have worked together since the early ’80s. So far, so good.

Kristen Smith
Program Coordinator for Farm.artists with Isaac Koren and Thorald Koren

Thorald Koren
Collaborator and inspirator for Renaissance Human EP; co-founder of The Kin, Braves and Farm.artists with brother Isaac

Nailia Minnebaeva
Social media, branding and design for the Renaissance Human project

Banafsheh Akhlaghi
Legal guru and advocate for a Renaissance in humanity; special advisor to the Renaissance Human project

Kyle Mangels
Mix master and recording engineer extraordinaire for the Renaissance Human EP.

Maya Pisciotto
Filmmaker and Editor for the campaign video and documentary for Renaissance Human. Co-founder with Fabian Aguirre of

Selay Demir
Product merchandise expert and head cheerleader for the Indiegogo campaign

Brad Wallace
Web and email marketing honcho for Renaissance Human and Bruce.

Philip Himberg
Advisor for NYC Renaissance Human launch event, artistic director for playwright labs, acupuncturist, Bruce’s junior year roommate at Oberlin College and Conservatory.