Today we’re covering what might just be the most important topic we’ve ever explored on The Life Stylist podcast – the transformative power of the heart, the center of our experience of love.
My guest, Bruce Cryer, has been called a renaissance man. Beginning his career starring in the world’s longest-running musical in New York City and working in television and film, he then moved into entrepreneurship to explore the leading edge sciences of health, wellness, and heart intelligence as a founding director and CEO of HeartMath, the world’s leading research institute on the science of the heart.

We explore how to create a heart-centered business, why our current timeline is brighter (and darker) than ever, how to avoid the pitfalls of both spiritual bypassing and getting stuck in our feelings, tools for alleviating stress, my secret sauce in conducting meaningful interviews, and finally, why feeling the brokenness of it all is the key to feeling the rapture.
Let’s share a deep breath and dive in. For even more love, visit for Bruce’s free musical guided meditations and an ebook on awakening creative brilliance.
Listen here
00:03:51 — Heart is Where the Home Is
- Reflecting on the impact of Dr. Joe Dispenza
- Dr. Joe Dispenza meditations
- Bruce’s experience living through a cancer diagnosis
- Our experiences with sleep and the Oura ring
- Bruce’s work with HeartMath and heart coherence
00:39:50 — Understanding Heart Coherence in Anxiety & Relationships
- The energetics of the heart explained
- Read: Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East by Baird T. Spalding
- Global Coherence Initiative by HeartMath
- How anxiety shows up in the heart rhythm pattern
- How being in your heart can change your perspective and relationship to others
- The power and reach of the electromagnetism of the heart
- Luke’s secret sauce when conducting interviews
01:16:36 — Why A Broken Heart Is an Open Heart
- Exploring broken heart syndrome
- What heartbreak teaches us
- How to heal the heart
- What happens if we run from heartbreak
- How trauma is stored in the body
- What happens when we spiritually bypass
- The way the direct act of service plays a role in getting out of self obsession
01:44:11 — How to Create a Heart-Centered Business Through Energy Awareness
- Applying a more pragmatic approach to the heart-centered model
- How love drives customer retention and contributes to a successful business
- The impact of spirituality and mindfulness becoming mainstream
- Bruce’s view on where things are heading in American society
- The importance of being aware of your own energy and attitude towards others
- Lesson learned from Nelson Mandela