How Heart-Brain Coherence Affects Performance and All Aspects Of Life - Ashley Brothers

Explore the fascinating connection between the heart and the brain as Ashley Brothers interviews Bruce Cryer, founding director and later CEO of HeartMath Institute LLC. The HeartMath Institute has been studying the heart since 1991 and discovered that it had a bundle of 44,000 neurons that produced the largest electromagnetic field in the body. Principles that Bruce and the other HeartMath founders developed around the connection between heart coherence, health, brain performance, and leaders have been taught at Stanford University for over 25 years; to executives of Fortune 100 companies; nurses, and healthcare professionals on 4 continents; and individuals from all walks of life. Their data and principles have even been fundamental in Dr. Joe Dispenza’s work which teaches people how to maximize heart-coherence to heal your mind, heart, body, and soul; to manifest incredible things; and ultimately transform your life.

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