Shift the Power of Emotions in Your Favor Using HeartMath

Shift the Power of Emotions in Your Favor Using HeartMath

“When your passion and purpose is greater than your fears and excuses, you will find a way.” -Nishan Panwar When something in life pushes your “fear button”, there are 1400 distinct biochemical consequences that occur in your body, including the release of cortisol...
DisrupTV Featuring Bruce Cryer, Founder at Renaissance Human

DisrupTV Featuring Bruce Cryer, Founder at Renaissance Human

  This week on DisrupTV, we interviewed Bruce Cryer, Executive Coach, Keynote Performer, Mentor and Founder at Renaissance Human. DisrupTV is a weekly Web series with hosts R “Ray” Wang and Vala Afshar. The show airs live at 11:00 a.m. PT/ 2:00 p.m. ET every...
Soul-share with “Renaissance Human” Bruce Cryer

Soul-share with “Renaissance Human” Bruce Cryer

Bruce was raised in a highly artistic and eclectic family, and though he followed in those footsteps he ended up carving his own path through his spiritual explorations, prompted in part by some serious illnesses, and including a significant stint in the pioneering...