Derek Loudermilk – Bruce Cryer | Former CEO of HeartMath on Being a Renaissance Human, Creativity, and More…
https://derekloudermilk.com/bruce-cryer/ “The greatest power in the world is inside us” – Bruce Cryer Bruce Cryer has been called a renaissance man because of a four-decade career as a Singer, Actor, Dancer, Publisher, Author, Marketing Executive, CEO, Board...
Jody Birnberg – Part 1 – Aging Backwards
How can we live in the “energy of our legacy “now? Renaissance Human, Keynote Performer, and Cryer Consulting Founder Bruce Cryer share his health journey in our two-part series and how we can “age younger.” Listen now and start getting...
Jody Birnberg – Part 2 – Living from Your Heart
A two-year health crisis became a healing journey that convinced Guest Bruce Cryer to focus his energies and passions on personal healing, creative expression, and global health. So how can we live from the heart? Find out...
Sage Rader – Part 1 – Heart Coherence with breath AND brain
Bruce Cryer helped found HeartMath and has incredible experience with breath and brain science. We are starting a series around breathing and thinking and the implications for our physiology of combining the two intelligently. Hang out with us and learn as we learn....